Post to the World, LLC
Biking the Mount Vernon Trail

Biking the Mount Vernon Trail


Evans’ Rag

Vol 1 Issue 34


Continuing from last week’s blog about Virginia Tech’s big time move into Northern Virginia, I wanted to expand on whys and wherefores, and no, I am not an alumnus. Go Hokies. No dog in this fight except that I live here and I’m intrigued with how this move will influence the long term for the entire DC metropolis.

I also happen to believe that architects can contribute to big public policy discussions and this is certainly one of those.

The idea’s not mine; I’m just the journalist who’s stumbled on the story of a dream.

The abandoned power plant sits beside the Mount Vernon Trail—and the Potomac River

The abandoned power plant sits beside the Mount Vernon Trail—and the Potomac River


Love the Kittie not the Look

I’m reading a book on how to write screenplays “Save the Cat!” which is as seriously funny as the title. I have no interest in screenplays, but come on, climb a tree and save a cat? Yeah, I might do that.

Blake Snyder, author of “Save the Cat!” has gone before to whatever awaits us, but I wish I’d met the dude.

Only to pick up the NY Times magazine with its Cover of Angry Cat. I’ll wait if you want to click on the link.