Biking the Mount Vernon Trail
Evans’ Rag
Vol 1 Issue 34
Continuing from last week’s blog about Virginia Tech’s big time move into Northern Virginia, I wanted to expand on whys and wherefores, and no, I am not an alumnus. Go Hokies. No dog in this fight except that I live here and I’m intrigued with how this move will influence the long term for the entire DC metropolis.
I also happen to believe that architects can contribute to big public policy discussions and this is certainly one of those.
The idea’s not mine; I’m just the journalist who’s stumbled on the story of a dream.
The abandoned power plant sits beside the Mount Vernon Trail—and the Potomac River
Love the Kittie not the Look
I’m reading a book on how to write screenplays “Save the Cat!” which is as seriously funny as the title. I have no interest in screenplays, but come on, climb a tree and save a cat? Yeah, I might do that.
Blake Snyder, author of “Save the Cat!” has gone before to whatever awaits us, but I wish I’d met the dude.
Only to pick up the NY Times magazine with its Cover of Angry Cat. I’ll wait if you want to click on the link.