Post to the World, LLC

Writing to Genius is an essay developed from last week’s blog that I’m posting on Medium. Two reasons: one, I didn’t feel like I’d captured enough of what I was trying to express in the original blog, and two, I’m hoping a wider audience finds her story.

Reading the acknowledgements at the back of a book, what lies behind them can mean almost as much as the written story itself. Something Dawn Field taught me.


Ode to the Covid

Cruising thru the take-out line
a bit of that and that and gone
got tunes blasting, smiling good

who is that one standing there?
We’ll be fine, come join us, here
cruise the joints and smile the while

like there’s no living in the past
I read that once on Medium.
Love that, right? yo smiling now

now we got cut loose again
creaming down the Interstate
no cops in sight, nowhere to go.

Evans’ Rag

Vol 2 Issue 21

I swear I never laid a mark on the little furball.Photo by Madalyn Cox on Unsplash

I swear I never laid a mark on the little furball.

Photo by Madalyn Cox on Unsplash

Layla Reporting

Layla the husky said she heard a recent CDC bulletin she wanted to share but having paws and no laptop asked me to help. Evidently, the CDC is now cautioning cat owners that the feline population carries Covid-19, and that they should avoid petting the little furballs, perhaps even sending them to the great cat expanse in the sky. Layla went on to say she’d gladly encourage the latter, and I had to explain that some folks actually like cats, difficult as that is for her to comprehend.

Layla’s hashtag is #SaveTheFelines, but I wouldn’t trust her motives.


Barcroft List Serve notice

What I read in the neighborhood list server was “Sofa for sale $80,000,” and I was sure I was living in the wrong part of town. “Sofa for sale $80 OBO” was what it actually said.

Oh. Don’t think I’ll be shopping for that one either.