Medium or Well Done?
I’m incrementally developing a following on Medium, encouraging me to write more. You may notice the dates of the articles I’m responding to as from last year. The Medium moderators regularly select previous posts for new life, so some I run across are past their sell date. It’s fun to see what other people comment on my work, so I try to return the favor. We’re all writing junkies on this bus (to paraphrase Ken Kesey).
A few links for further ramblings and musings:
I wrote this a month or so ago, but was waiting to put a photo with it. I liked the original post by Ms. Sand and wanted to add something:
“The sheer number of children I’ve nurtured allows me to bring a fresh perspective. Yet no one, however experienced, can love a child as their parent can. That is the first reminder I communicated to this mother, who needed to hear that she is enough for her daughter.”
from Everyone Said Her Daughter Was Difficult by Rachael Ann Sand, Aug 12, 2019
My first reaction to the piece by Anna Marin was “why on earth did she need to write about this, like a Miss Manners column?” then realized my own cant, manner of speaking, so I recast (recanted?) my article. The title’s click bait–I’ve never had a sister-in-law, only sisters.
My response is supposed to be an inside joke–perhaps too inside–though here it is. If the craft of writing is of interest, the original piece by Holly Lyn Walrath is worth reading.
Barcroft Sunset photo by William E. Evans, 2020
Evans’ Rag
Vol 2 Issue 33
The Last Paddleboarder photo by William E. Evans, 2020
Replies I’d Like to Send
In the interest of not offending the neighbors who seem to live on the Barcroft list serve, I’m posting these replies elsewhere to avoid pissing them off, some are more likely to take offense than others. I’m going high as Michelle says.
“Mail-In Ballots: What if I change my mind?" Don’t hit ‘send’ after hitting the bottle? There’s some buyer’s remorse going around.
“Outdoor furniture: Looking for table, chairs, etc. for my grandson who just moved to DC for his first job. Thanks.” You’re making him sleep outside, dear? He’s caught the Covid or doesn’t he take showers?
“Anyone have an honest plumber they love?” With everybody still in lockdown, a friendly reminder: Love thy neighbor, not thy neighbor’s plumber.
“Does anyone know where I can get one of those large birthday yard signs? Is there a company that rents and delivers that or do I have to buy it and set it up myself?” No effort’s too great for the ones you love.
“Having recently spent most of an afternoon at the DMV office on South Four Mile Run, I have two questions. Do high-placed government officials, such as Governor Northam have to renew their driver’s licenses at DMV offices like the hoi polloi? Absolutely, and they look ridiculous trying. As Marty Feldman said to Gene Wilder, “Walk this way.”
“I made an appointment for my husband and I to get Virginia licenses (we're DC transplants) and the earliest appointment at Four Mile Run was October 22.” They want you to feel right at home.
“For our short 45 years of lake-based views we have noted that the Lakeview Drive side [of the lake] is the South Shore and the Beachway Drive side is the North Shore, with their inherent conflicts. However the Waterway side is the Middle Shore reflecting the middle way.
“In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argued that the best human virtues lies at the middle way [maesis tropos] between deficiency and excess. About the same time period, some 2400 years ago, Buddha [Sidharta Gutama] expounded on the middle way between indulgence and asceticism. So now I am on Beach 3 [near Waterway Drive] contemplating nirvana and counting the ripples on the shore coming from both the North/South side of the lake. Enjoy!” A recent email chain was going on about which side of the lake is better/calmer/has lots more parties, etc.
I can attest that there’s a lot more indulgence happening on our side of the lake. We’re partying like there’s no tomorrow, baby!