Post to the World, LLC

My buddy, Barrack, published a nice article in Medium about Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and I had the chutzpah to chime in. 

It’s dedicated to every woman who’s struggled with self-worth: you don’t have to be an egoist to be admired, and you don’t have to be large to be great, as she was neither. 


Evans’ Rag

Vol 2 Issue 38

Charles Graves House in Charleston, S.C.  photo by ProfReader, 2013

Charles Graves House in Charleston, S.C. photo by ProfReader, 2013


Movements then and now

Architects can get carried away; we like our fifteen minutes of fame just as well as anybody. So when Peter Eisenman–who likes to babble about inane abstractions–talked proudly about his ‘inaccessible void’–a room with no windows nor doors for a house he designed, it’s possible he had his bowtie tied way too tight.

And when Andrés Duany claims building protection against the coming deluge is more important than mitigating the damage we’ve done to the environment, I’m calling bullshit. And I like Andrés.

A friend’s comment suggested this week’s blog regarding a Washington Post Magazine article. The article’s author claims the ‘green movement’ is missing the boat on global warming (aka climate change, depending on political persuasions). I’m claiming the writer is missing the boat.