Post to the World, LLC

Evans’ Rag

Vol 2 Issue 52

Lt. John McCain (front right) with his squadron and T-2 Buckeye trainer, 1965 US Navy photo - Library of Congress

Lt. John McCain (front right) with his squadron and T-2 Buckeye trainer, 1965

US Navy photo - Library of Congress

I needed to take a brief break from the story of the Silver Spring Library. 

This blog rambles a bit, avoiding the current state of affairs in the country to talk about a single person–John McCain but from a different point of view.  I almost ended up in the Navy; he, far more famously, did. 

Times when he was on Jon Stewart’s show, I tuned in.

Didn’t give much thought to the affection I felt for him, but recently it occurred to me he was another military brat who did well despite having an admiral for a father.  

The sons and daughters of military families were my closest friends in high school.