Eric Taylor spent days photographing SSL inside and out, and I got to watch him work.
He still has the house on his website, eighth slide in:
Another Medium post—with the ‘friends’ link, i.e. it’s free. This one continues a running joke I had with my sister’s father-in-law, Ed Negri. I’m still smiling.
Apple’s HQ in Cupertino
Photo by Carles Rabada on Unsplash
Evans’ Rag
Vol 3 Issue 4
One of the Lake Barcroft eagles about to go fishing
One of these days I’ll buy a real telephoto lens for the Nikon–the kind you rest on a thick-legged tripod.
Arriving first time to the flatlands below the Grand Tetons, I remember seeing six or seven photographers in the parking lot, all in a line and set up for sunset, one large cannon telephoto after another–and D saying I should go join my brethren.
The 80-200mm zoom just doesn’t make it when trying to shoot from way off.
I watched a bald eagle glide in across the cove and hustled to grab the camera. When he landed, the branch bowed from his weight.
I knew from past attempts at capturing his image, patience doesn’t work–he’s not in the same place long enough to be patient. You either shoot what he gives you or not. They’re such magnificent creatures.
National Geographic won’t return my phone calls.
And the wingspan–no other bird around here can compare.
The exterior shots of the Silver Spring Library are here!