Post to the World, LLC

Who me? Photo by Max Baskakov on Unsplash


The Zebra-Striped Hearse—1st Edition cover, Alfred A Knopf, Fair use

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Evans’ Rag

Vol 4 Issue 14


Lake Barcroft Swim Team—photo by Larry Golfer, ©2022

Now, class, please pay attention. You on the end, take a buoy.

The cormorants are back, and so are the doves. It’s that time of year. Larry Golfer is our resident wildlife photographer, and he’s lent me this one for the newsletter.

We presently have two love birds cooing just below the deck.

The cormorants like hanging out in gangs, and in this shot, what you’re looking at is the string of buoys warning party barge partiers they’re about to go over the damn—still too earlier for the boaters, if not for the birds. The photo cracked me up—and Larry’s title even more.

He’s a professional photographer whereas I’m a happy amateur. He goes out shooting on the water where I take shots from the deck. Such is life.