No zoning regs, you say? I’ll show you no zoning.
African American Museum—photo by Frank Schulenburg
A Free Post on Medium
Evans’ Rag
Vol 4 Issue 23
Photo by bermix studio on UnsAntilia Tower in Mumbai—photo by A.Savin (WikiCommons)
This will be the last newsletter this month.
I’ve been meaning to cut back a bit on the publications. Originally, it was so I could finish the fiction I’m working on. And the beach house design has been languishing.
Now, it appears I’ll be working as an architect again—which will take some getting used to. I haven’t needed many dress clothes in a few years. Though I did get a hair cut regularly—every three months or so.
Should be interesting. Meanwhile:
John Gorman’s back!
He swore off writing on Medium for months, maybe a year? He’s not your average blogger. Judging from his articles, you might even feel a touch uncomfortable if he was your neighbor. All of which he’s happy to admit. Like he can’t turn it off. Is this his real self or just the world’s best persona at work? I’ll admit to a certain envy, though I’ve not wanted to emulate him, primarily because I’d be worried the men in white would soon come knocking. Keep ‘em guessing.
Gorman’s recent piece opens with this:
”One of my least favorite subgenres in the Content Industrial Complex is the trope where one moderately successful white guy quotes some bland quasi-wisdom and talks about how he uses it to achieve big things and now ‘so can you.’
“Like, c’mon buddy. You know that shit ain’t novel or sage or actionable or applicable and definitely ain’t a magic wand that’ll propel people to live their wildest dreams. ‘Treat people how you want to be treated.’ Buried in a listicle called 7 Secrets to Living Your Wildest Dreams. Sweet Mother of Clickbait … that’s it! Now I can finally get off the Tim Ferriss Wheel; I’m cured and I’m cutting back on the diazepam.” from John Gorman’s These Six Words Define Success on Medium
Halfway through the piece, he calls an intermission:
“Obligatory Callout that In A World Where Elon Musk Is Worth the GDP of a Central American Country and Ted Cruz Holds A Vote in the US Senate that Life Is Unfair and Happiness Is Inequitably Accessible and Not Always Available” from John Gorman’s These Six Words Define Success on Medium
You don’t read Gorman like easy listening music. You read him to see where he’s going and how long it takes to get there.
There’s been chatter on Medium that the site’s gone downhill. For my $5 a month, I find it eminently quotable.