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Evans’ Rag

Vol 4 Issue 9


Photo from the mid-70s © Robert Catasus

In the last few days, I’ve been reading commentary on Europe’s opening itself to Ukranian refugees, some heartwarming commentaries and others drawing negative comparisons to Europe’s resistance to Syrian and African refugees fleeing no fewer dangers.

Because the Ukrainians look like other Europeans? To be sure. They look like relatives because they are. Some sour writer will always probe for a story’s possible underside.

Robin Givhan, a former fashion writer, evidently was so keen-eyed at runway shows, WAPO promoted her to social commentary. The West’s inspiring, yet selfish, response to Ukraine included:

“Like everything else, empathy is meted out based on the same hierarchy that the Western world regularly uses to evaluate human worth. And so international borders have opened up for the White men and women who are fleeing Ukraine in more welcoming ways than they did for those who were felling violence in the Middle East and Africa.”

from The West’s inspiring, yet selfish, response to Ukraine by Robin Givhan in the Washington Post

Oh, good grief. Why can’t this moment simply be appreciated for its charity in the face of a latest manmade tragedy? We can all go to confession after it’s done.

. . .

This week’s blog on the Miami Marine Stadium comes from around the same time Robert Catasus took the photo, so I’m reusing it, given I can’t find any good photos of the Stadium showing it to be anyway near as handsome…