Post to the World, LLC

Free post on Medium

Layla with her young beau, Dewey — photo by D, © 2024


Another Free Medium piece

Cover sleeve of House, first edition — stock photo, illustration by Wendell Minor, © ca 1985


The Last Free Medium Story

Bill ca. 3 months—family photo


Evans’ Rag

Vol 6 Issue 5

Sunset at Aqua—photo by the author, © 2024


I just noticed it was getting a bit toasty. Here it is, the Fourth of July already. Sonofagun. Between the mosquitoes and the heat, it’s my least favorite season.

The boats are out on the lake like overgrown beetles crawling the water. It can be cooler on the water, but waiting for the sun to set below the tree line has always been my strategy. I remember trying to enjoy sunbathing at the beach, but even with a paperback under an umbrella, if there wasn’t a breeze, it felt more like an endurance test than relaxation.

Last May we made it to the Outer Banks for a week of being bliss bunnies before the real heat began. And speaking of bunnies, Layla thoroughly enjoyed entertaining them from the deck. We almost had to cancel our trip, which is the topic of one Medium article.


Three Medium articles on tap this month—a commentary on House by Tracy Kidder, and more harrowing story about Layla and D’s disturbing encounter with a pit bull and his clueless teenage dog walker. The third one is about a long ago time in my life.

“Hey, let’s be safe out there,” as Sgt. Phil Esterhaus on Hill Street Blue used to say.