Photo by Malte Helmhold on Unsplash
Now wouldn’t you like to work for this man?
A free posting on Medium
Evans’ Rag
Vol 3 Issue 39
Late September Evening—photo by William E. Evans, ©2021
September is finally cooling down, and Layla is ecstatic. Also, she’s starting to shed, in anticipation of a better winter than that last lame one. So the Sean Kernan-inspired blog is about dogs I have known.
The beach house is coming along slowly. I have a pile of bumwad sketches to show for it. And a license for using Revit again after three years of absence. If I can scan in some of them, maybe I’ll feature them. “You think it’s easy?” as Mel Straus would say.
And a brief piece in Medium. Some people desperately need spokespersons—to keep from sticking their feet in their, ah, er, mouths—yeah, that’s what I meant.